Over the years Shira and I have met, and ridden with, hundreds of riders. Some have become great, and long lasting, friends; others are like ships that pass in the night.
It’s all good, and there are some riding friends I have not seen in a dozen years but when we do see each other we pick up right where we left off.
I have some riding companions that have said many times that we, the riders that always seem to show up at our Backroads Rallies, are “The family they choose.”
The Family.
I get that, and we here at Backroads do feel blessed by the riders that have become friends, and some quasi-family.
The Family…
Hmmm, it has that cozy ‘Hey, you’re in safe with us’ sorta feel to it.
I have guys and gals I have grown up with, and remain life-long buddies with, but they never picked up the life time chronic strain of COVID -1 (Cycle Obsession Very Important Daily) more commonly called “Rideacitus,’ so I rarely see them.
Then there are actual family members – real and legal, whether you were born with them or married into - who are so very important to us. But with both sides of the families there are no motorcycles in a garage. Sniff.
Although we heard that a Suzuki 50 has rolled into our grand-nephew’s home in Kentucky. So maybe there is hope?
Then there are all the other people that we deal with every day…I call them Earth People.
Perhaps you are a bit like me, where riding is such an important part of your life, that you are almost flabbergasted when these Earth People ask the same questions about the sport.
We get this at the gym all the time. In truth, it is really the only other place we interact with regular humans on a more or less daily basis. Few of these fellow Gym Rats ride, and occasionally, when I stroll into the gym with my riding gear, I can see one heading my way and I already know what they are going to ask…
“Will you ride in the winter?” This is regularly followed by, “Have you ever crashed? Did it hurt? What if you crash again?” And, the statement/question, “Wow, you must really love motorcycle riding.”
“Well yes, I will. Yes, I have. Yes, it did. I will try to avoid that, and finish with – Yes, all my life.”
These questions are never heard when I am with The Family.
No, our queries are usually to a point – and more than occasionally leads to a saucy quip. If it is really cold out the common question will be more of a one-upmanship…
“You have your liner on?” “Yeh, I got my electrics on… but I DIDN’T turn them on. Did you?”
There is a certain childlike back and forth with your riding family. Like the saucy banter from ‘Buddy Cop’ movies.
It’s the difference between we riders and Earth People. You see, when you are a car-ridden Earth Person, it is like watching a movie go by. A spectator.
But when you are a rider? You are in the movie. Sometimes we are the stars, sometimes it is simply a cameo appearance.
Some of the things that we poke fun at, or some of the hijinks we carry on with The Family, only get cold stares, rolled eyes and a general “Really, Brian?” from the Earth-People dinner table.
But with all the families – the ones you were born or married into and the ones that you met on the road and have spent miles of smiles with – you will always say yes to a request, and go at it - 110% percent.
Like a Zero ADV bike on a BDR video.
I recently did a podcast with a fellow named Vince Villani. I met Vince on a flight to Las Vegas earlier in the year and Vince does awesome podcasts, usually on entrepreneurship and creating and living life.
During this discussion, the thread lead to that whatever we do, we need to be surrounded by like-minded people, and that if doing what you do has dragged along a bunch of others, and has made their lives a bit richer, then you are on the good side of life’s ledger. If your family is behind you and benefits too, then all the better.
So… for The Family out there – and you know who you are…
We turn 30 this year, and if you still want to ride along, we’d be happy to have you. Even the crazy uncles and aunts.